Dealing With A Flooded Home? What To Expect From The Water Damage Restoration Process

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Dealing With A Flooded Home? What To Expect From The Water Damage Restoration Process

30 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

In the past few years, there have been many instances of residential flooding due to both excessive rainfall that overburdens rivers and drainage systems and the devastating storm surges that accompany many hurricanes and tropical storms. Any type of flooding is capable of damaging the basic structure and systems of a home as well as ruining furnishings, personal items, and interior finishes. If your home has experienced water damage due to any type of flooding, it is important to understand how the water damage restoration process works and what you can expect from it. 

Removing standing water

Once floodwaters enter your home, they may not drain away easily, even when most of the floodwaters are receding outside the structure. Since water damage increases dramatically with extended contact, one of the first priorities of the water damage restoration process is to remove all standing water inside the home. In most instances, this process is handled by using portable pumps to collect and remove standing water wherever it has collected inside the structure. 

Determining structural integrity or identifying safety issues

Once water damage restoration technicians are able to safely enter the home, inspections can be done to ensure that any damage to the basic structure and major systems of the home is assessed. If the basic structure is determined to be sound, the water damage restoration process is able to quickly progress so that further damage related to the presence of water or excessive humidity is limited or avoided. 

Removing damaged items and surfaces

The next step is to remove any items or surfaces that cannot be dried or restored during the remainder of the process. Damaged surfaces and items often include floor coverings, drywall, upholstered furnishings, and other items. Removing these items and surfaces will enable the water damage restoration team to more easily address concealed areas of moisture that could be at an increased risk of mold growth.

Drying the interior and normalizing the humidity levels

Once the interior has been gutted of ruined materials, surfaces, and furnishings, large fans and heaters will be used to facilitate the drying process and help to remove excess humidity. In some instances, negative pressure drying processes may be necessary to help withdraw moisture from the interior surfaces of the home. 

Inspecting and treating for mold

Once the drying process is complete, water damage restoration companies will inspect the structure for evidence of existing mold spores. Preventative applications of mold retardant may also be used at this time as a precautionary measure to help prevent future mold growth. 

To get more specific information, take the time to contact a water damage restoration service in your area.